Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Poverty Artical

  1. The world bank is one of the United Nations' specialized agencies, and is made up of 186 countries who are members
  2. It is important to collect data from 73 countries so you can get an opinion from different people who live in different countries. Also so you can understand the disparity which people face.
  3. Poverty is when you don't have enough of the basic needs (water, food, shelter, space) and when you don't have enough money to support your family. Poverty is also a dream killer, it takes away people's hope.
  4. The difference between poverty and extreme poverty is, poverty is having unsatisfied material needs though extreme poverty is having unsatisfied material needs and a degrading state of powerlessness.
  5. A poverty trap is when your poverty traps you and you loose hope of ever escaping from a life of hard work. A poverty trap is also when three generations of your family has/is witnessed poverty.
  6. The world bank defines extreme poverty as not having enough income to meet the most basic human needs for adequate food, water, shelter, clothing, sanitation, health care or education.
  7. Approximately 1.4billion people live under the poverty line in the world
  8. Over the last 20years, it shows improvement in the situation because about 4 in every 10people used to be in poverty wherelse now 1 in 4people are in poverty. Also, people in poverty used to only have $1 a day and now its $1.25
  9. Organization like Kiva help the people in poverty. Going and giving someone in poverty $10 can help them so much. So if you start small by making a donation it helps make a difference.
  10. In Hong Kong sometimes i see people on the street sleeping on cardboard boxes with children begging for money. They don't have shelter, food, or water the three most basic human needs.
Picture - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh8v4nirvn45Fwyz4mXItvi7B9LCwsqDjp3ZKsWq8bOv9WXA8X9K8dyXW4m1uvLPxZuG34G4HuNe29ablbTbTgrwKDoe8nDQSiRAxuHWHR_Rcz7eohOgzeTx4V41bH-wFctsbUQqkT2IbM/s400/World+Bank.JPG

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Global Issues and Living Ethically

What does Poverty mean to you?
On my wordle, it has quite a few words which we can do to try stop some of the global issues. RRR, and act i think are my strongest two things we can do to make a difference. If you want to make a difference, start small and slowly make your way to making the miracle. If you notice, it says on my wordle 'Hope, Peace, and Voice'. These three things are what we need in order to help the people suffering and to help make our world a more healthy place. So all the things that is stated in my wordle, is what i think of when i hear the words "Global Issues" and maybe you should think about these words too and what you can do to help.
Global issues really links to the SLR living ethically because we are considering how to help other people. In this class we are learning how to care for other people in other place. We are becoming more aware and responsible about our behavior and the environment. The environment is not just plants and animals, but the social environment as well and even the economy. Global issues are really huge but we are learning to start small.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Meaning and Response of Global Issues

What are Global Issues?
Global Issues are the problems that have spread worldwide. There are quite a few global issues on the rise right now and lots which are occurring when we least expected; war, poverty, environmental issues, and the violation of human rights are some of the many of global issues that are occurring in our world right now.

Why should I care about Global Issues?
I think I should care about global issues and so should everyone else, because its our planet, we have nowhere else to live besides here. Its not that hard to help our world become a better place; If you re-use, reduce, and recycle it also helps our earth become less polluted and its not hard to put re-usable paper in a recycle bin. We should also care because it is happening to us right now; well maybe not YOU but think about the people in Africa and Haiti whose lives have been destroyed because we don't bother to help even a bit. If we all collaborate and act as one, we will be able to help put a stop to Global Issues and make our world a better place.
